You like books. I like books. Shall we all swap books then?

Tuesday 18 January 2011

Hi there fellow book swap chums...

So we are all here because we'd like to share some of the paperback beauties that are currently going to waste and gathering dust on our bookshelves, are we not? Oh of course, or hardback. We're a non discriminatory organisation.

The question is how shall we go about it?

Well here's an idea -
  • There are 5 "vacancies" on the virtual bookshelf that is this blog. (5 is hypothetical, the number can obviously be toggled depending on how many swappers sign up)
  • Therefore 5 swappers can submit a book they are happy to put on the "shelf".
  • I'll post a list of the first 5 books submitted and as soon as it has gone live people can leave a comment in the comment box regarding which book they would like, first come first served. When they take a book from the list they must replace it with one of their own. I can then supply swappers with email addresses so you can discuss postage with each other.
  • Every couple of days the list will be updated and members will be notified so they can take a gander at the fresh list and baggsy the book of their choice before anyone else gets their mitts on it.
  • The sender pays postage and is happy in the knowledge that they too will recieve a free book in the post when they snag one they fancy.
How does that sound hopeful swappers? Easy enough to follow or over complicated? Please leave comments with any feedback and if you're interested in signing up provisionally please email with the following details

Twitter alias:
Preferred email address:

I'm looking forward to getting started!

1 comment:

  1. I would like to sign up please. emailing presently.
